Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Taking a look at the title of the article it is difficult to  juxtapose these two phrases together. but coming across kelie's article on world war2 and Hollywood it is  realised world war 2 era is responsible for significant changes in the world today.
this era increased the participation of women in the labour force as opposed to the 19th century where women where  mere vessels of beauty.The Second World War brought about the employment of millions of new female workers  in the labour force and reorganization of those who already had been working to major war industries. As labour shortages reached critical points, the federal government started using propaganda and engaged in massive recruitment drives to assimilate women into the workforce and to manipulate society's view of women's role in the war effort the war time propaganda idealized the image and portrayed her as a strong competent heroine of the home front( (Yessil2006). the video above gives some of the great happenings  in world war 2.

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